It is the policy of the Charlton Marshall Village Hall management committee to:
- Provide healthy and safe conditions, equipment and systems for all users of and visitors to the Village Hall, committee members and Trustees, volunteers, contractors and employees.
- Keep the Village Hall premises in a safe condition for all users.
- Provide any training and information deemed necessary for all users, volunteers and employees.
It is the intention of the management committee to comply with all Health & Safety legislation and be proactive in preventing injury and any danger arising from activities within the Village Hall.
The management committee considers the promotion of the health and safety of those who use the premises, including contractors who may be working there, as well as employees working there, to be of prime importance. Prevention of accidents depends on a committed attitude of mind to safety as well as the operation of equipment within the Village Hall. The management committee will encourage all who use the Village Hall to engage in the observance of safe working practices.
All users, visitors, contractors and employees will be expected to recognise that there is a duty on them to comply with the practices set out by the management committee, with all notices on safety requirements in the Village Hall and on the hire agreement and to accept responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves and to others.
The committee will review this policy annually following the AGM and as required by any change of circumstance. Individuals with responsibilities for any aspect of Health & Safety in the Village Hall will report to the management committee regularly, including any accidents, faults, misuse or other matters which could affect the health and safety of users, volunteers and employees. Any such reports will be recorded in the minutes of management committee minutes.
(a) The management committee has overall responsibility for Health & Safety in the Village Hall and for the implementation of this policy. It is the intention of the committee to comply with all Health & Safety legislation and to act positively where they can reasonably do so to prevent injury, ill health or any danger arising from activities in the Village Hall.
(b) All users of the Village Hall are expected to read the Health and Safety Policy as a condition of their hire and to recognise that it is their duty to comply with all the procedures and safety requirements, including all notices in the Village Hall. They will be required to sign the hire agreement form as acknowledgment that they agree the conditions as stated.
(c) It is the duty of hall hirers, volunteers, visitors, contactors and employees to:
- Take care of themselves and others who may be affected by their activities.
- Do everything they reasonably can to prevent injury to themselves and others.
- Co-operate with the management committee in keeping the premises safe and healthy, including the grounds and car park.
(d) Should anyone using the Village Hall notice any fault, damage or other situation which might cause injury and cannot be rectified immediately, they should inform a committee member or the Bookings Secretary as soon as possible so that the problem can be dealt with. Where equipment is damaged a notice should be placed on it warning that it is not to be used and it should be reported immediately to the Bookings Secretary.
(e) Routine reviews, inspections and checks of safety procedures and equipment are to be conducted by the management committee or nominated person(s)
(a) Fire precautions and checks
- A copy of the Village Hall’s Emergency Evacuation Procedure is also displayed on the Village Hall notice board. Each regular user group may have its own fire drill and evacuation procedure and should acquaint its members of its contents.
- All service records for the maintenance of fire safety equipment, electrical and heating equipment are kept by the Treasurer and are available to view on request.
- All fire exits are covered by illuminated signs in case of power failure and are checked once a month and fire extinguishers are positioned in the Village Hall with necessary labels for use.
- A log book is kept in the office for the recording of extinguisher and fire exit checks.
(b) Risk assessment
The management committee carries out a bi-annual risk assessment to assess and examine all activities; a decision is then made as to whether enough precautions are in place or whether more needs to be done. These risk assessments help the management committee to review and comply with any changes to legislation and regulations. A log book will be kept.
The following procedures and practices must be adhered to in order to minimise any risks:
- Make sure all emergency exits are kept clear of obstacles.
- Do not touch or operate electrical equipment if showing any sign of damage.
- Steps and ladders should be made secure and only used if two people are present.
- Tables and chairs should only be moved in sensible numbers and when sufficient help is available, or using the equipment supplied, ie trollies.
- Take care when stacking chairs and tables.
- Supervise children when in the kitchen.
- Wear suitable protective clothing when handling toxic materials.
- Report any damage to the property to the Bookings Secretary.
- Make sure that every accident/incident is reported and an Accident & Incident Report Form duly completed.
- Be aware of and avoid creating hazards such as: (i) Slip hazards on steps and wet floors – mop up immediately (ii) Trip hazards on floors in kitchen, main hall, entrance foyer, stairs and storage areas (iii) Make sure to use adequate lighting (iv) Risks whilst in single occupancy of the building, ie do not use lift (v) Never overload shelves or cupboards or items being carried (vi) Risks whilst operating any kitchen equipment.
Anybody leading a group, holding an event in the Village Hall or carrying out maintenance should always carry a fully charged mobile phone as there is no public telephone in the Village Hall or in the village.
Instructions for calling the emergency services are posted on the Village Hall notice board, together with the hall’s address and postcode – these instructions should be noted by all user group leaders and those holding an event. The nearest A&E departments are in Poole and Dorchester.
The First Aid Box is in the main kitchen, together with the Accident Book in which a note should be made of any accident as well as reporting same to the Booking Secretary.
A copy of the Certificate of Insurance Covering Employers Liability and Public Liability for the Village Hall is displayed on the notice board in the entrance foyer.
Before any contractor or person on site begins any work, they should have carried out their own risk assessment, ensured they have adequate liability cover and familiarised themselves with this Health & Safety Policy.
Issued: August 2019
Updated: January 2021